Keeping your estate plan current
I wanted to share an important reminder about estate planning that could directly impact your financial future.
A Recent Client Story
I recently met with a couple whose situation might resonate with many of you. They had done everything "right" - created their Wills, established powers of attorney, and put all the essential documents in place. However, there was one critical oversight: these documents were 13 years old.
In those 13 years, consider what changed for them:
Their net worth increased significantly
They purchased a second home
Their children are now approaching college age
Both developed long-term medical conditions requiring ongoing attention
Why This Matters
Their estate planning documents, while existing, no longer reflected their current financial position or future needs. This disconnect between their documents and their reality could have serious implications for their family's future.
Action Steps for You
Review Your Current Documents. If you have estate planning documents, when was the last time you updated them?
Consider Life Changes- Have you acquired new assets?
Has your family situation changed?
Have your health circumstances evolved?
Take Action- If you don't have estate planning documents, NOW is the time to create them
If your documents are outdated, NOW is the time to update them
The best time to update or create your estate plan is before you need it. Don't wait for a crisis to ensure your family and assets are protected.
Next Steps
I'm here to help you review your current estate plan or connect you with trusted legal professionals to create one.
Simply reply to this email or call our office to schedule a meeting or call.
Beacon Financial Group
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